Just to catch up to where we are in the challenge…past the half-way mark in the year already! Sometimes it took a couple of tries before I felt I got it right. That was the case with Weaving; it took three versions before I sort of liked the results.

ABOVE: A. Seed Stitch, B. Pistil Stitch, C. Daisy Chain Stitch, D. Fly Stitch, E. Couching with Cross Stitch, F. French Knots, G. Tatting, H. Blanket Stitch, and I. Bullion Stitch.

Anne asked the group to re-do one of the previous tags and send it off to her so she can post them on a map to show where everyone is from. I think she’s going to be overwhelmed with tags! I thought it would be fun to make a Stitch Sampler highlighting what I have learned so far. Some stitches, like bullion and pistil, I thought I would NEVER use again, but they’ve become two of my favorites now. On Instagram, Anne is @hannemadebyanne and her website is annebrooke.co.uk, if you’d like to check out her work.



Having a project like the #52tagshannemade to work on has become such an enjoyable habit this year. Each week, on Friday, we get a prompt and demonstration from Anne for the next week’s challenge. Anne Brooke is an artist and teacher living in West Yorkshire, England who posts on YouTube. I don’t remember now how I found out about her, but I’m happy I did!